Multiple definitions in Clojure
I often have to execute functions step-by-step in the REPL, which can be a problem
if there are let
statement with many bindings.
In example:
(defn analyse-movement-insights
(let [average-count (analysis-tools/average (map #(get-in % [:insights :total-count]) insights))
average-expected-min (analysis-tools/average (map #(get-in % [:insights :expected-min]) insights))
num-unexpected-days (count (filter #(= % 1) (map #(get-in % [:insights :day-rating]) insights)))
num-at-risk-days (count (filter #(= % 2) (map #(get-in % [:insights :day-rating]) insights)))
average-first-event-ts (average-timestamp-hours (map #(get-in % [:insights :first-event-ts]) insights))
average-last-event-ts (average-timestamp-hours (map #(get-in % [:insights :last-event-ts]) insights))
It’s really tedious to run each line in the REPL, like:
(def average-count (analysis-tools/average (map #(get-in % [:insights :total-count]) insights)))
=> #'metrics.daily-hub-insights/average-count
(def average-expected-min (analysis-tools/average (map #(get-in % [:insights :expected-min]) insights)))
=> #'metrics.daily-hub-insights/average-expected-min
So I just define this macro in the REPL:
(defmacro defs
[& bindings]
{:pre [(even? (count bindings))]}
~@(for [[sym init] (partition 2 bindings)]
`(def ~sym ~init))))
and then it’s just a single copy/paste:
(defs average-count (analysis-tools/average (map #(get-in % [:insights :total-count]) insights))
average-expected-min (analysis-tools/average (map #(get-in % [:insights :expected-min]) insights))
num-unexpected-days (count (filter #(= % 1) (map #(get-in % [:insights :day-rating]) insights)))
num-at-risk-days (count (filter #(= % 2) (map #(get-in % [:insights :day-rating]) insights)))
average-first-event-ts (average-timestamp-hours (map #(get-in % [:insights :first-event-ts]) insights))
average-last-event-ts (average-timestamp-hours (map #(get-in % [:insights :last-event-ts]) insights)))